Episode 177

Motivation Has Pit Stains


July 1st, 2014

1 hr 20 mins 17 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

TOPIC: Motivation

This week, Dan and Merlin talk about their upcoming 5by5 at the Movies episode on Glengarry Glen Ross, which segues naturally into a discussion of the many aspects of motivation.

Carrots, sticks, bonuses, fear, status, and just growing up all shape our understanding of why we (and, yeah, others) do what we do.

What happens when our motivation starts better accounting for how other people are motivated?

Get them to sign on the line which is dotted.

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This week's episode of Back to Work is kindly sponsored by:

  • Harry's ($5 off your purchase with discount code, "COMICS")
  • Lynda.com (7-day free trial!)