Episode 69
Seven Dwarfs of Bad Emotion
May 29th, 2012
1 hr 37 mins 16 secs
Your Hosts
About this Episode
TOPIC: Boogers and Expectations
Are you making perfect reports when your boss just wants them on time? Are you making crème brûlée when you should be jumping in a trench? Are wangs and boogers causing problems at work?
This week, Dan and Merlin talk more about expectations – whether you're willing to or not – and the risks of expectations of partners, bosses, and kids.
How can you handle expectations? There aren't a lot of easy answers. As you'd probably expect.
Links for this episode:
- middleclasstool - Blog - Something Something Meth Joke
- Pre-Cana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Hanlon's razor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Zagg Pepper | We’re super excited to show you our latest and...
- Found My Place - Blog
- Tales of Wonder - Marvel Masterworks Uncanny X-Men Vol 2 New Ed TP
- Confessions of a Car Salesman - Print Friendly
- [SPONSOR] MailChimp
- [SPONSOR] Squarespace (10% off with offer code, "`goaheadcaller`")
- [SPONSOR} Warby Parker (10% off with discount code, "`5BY5TV10`")
- David Mamet’s Master Class Memo to the Writers of The Unit - Movieline
- golden balls. the weirdest split or steal ever! - YouTube
- Prisoner's dilemma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Game theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Found My Place - Blog - Song: "Lost in Space"
- Amazon.com: The Uncanny X-Men, Vol. 2 (Marvel Masterworks) (9780785137047): Chris Claremont, Dave Cockrum, John Byrne: Books
- Diplomacy (game) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- kung fu grippe - "Public libraries rule." - In Which _Uncanny X-Men Masterworks Vol. 2_ Arrives!
- kung fu grippe - "I Love My Blended Family" - In Which Merlin Prepares to Read 5 Years of _X-Men_
- [KFG] You Look Nice Today - “Lot About a Thing Guy”
- Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls - YouTube
- 'Actors should be treated like cattle.' —Alfred Hitchcock
This episode of Back to Work is sponsored by our friends at Warby Parker, MailChimp, and Squarespace.