Episode 302
Rabbi for the Rabbi
December 13th, 2016
1 hr 15 mins 17 secs
Your Hosts
About this Episode
This week, the boys talk about slicing sand, unboxing videos, Overwatch, and some recommended TV viewing. Odds and sods, as you say.
Main topic is follow-up re: listener feedback on recent Apple conversations.
Links for this episode:
- Hour of Code | Disney Partners
- Satisfying Sand Videos (@icutsand) • Instagram photos and videos
- Amazon.com: moon sand: Toys & Games
- Overwatch
- An oral history of 'Get a Mac,' Part 1 | Campaign US
- An oral history of 'Get a Mac,' Part 2 | Campaign US
- Mac Power Users #355: The iPad as a Mac Replacement - Relay FM
David gave up his laptop and went iPad only for several months and now shares both the joy and the agony.
- Watch Saturday Night Live: Family Dinner | Hulu
- Watch Dr. Beaman's Office From Saturday Night Live - NBC.com
Brought to you by:
- Casper (Visit Casper.com/itsyourshow and use the code ITSYOURSHOW for $50 towards your new mattress).