Episode 137

Alice Two Arrows Bob


September 17th, 2013

1 hr 24 mins 12 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

TOPIC: Etiquette, Intros, and Endorsements

This week, Dan and Merlin talk about the surprisingly complicated topic of email introductions.

Who emails whom? Who gets cc'd and for how long? How much homework are we making (or accepting)? And, thorniest of all, how do you ““introduce”” someone you'd reeeeeeally rather not introduce?

Links for this episode:

This week’s episode of Back to Work is kindly sponsored by:

  • HostGator (use discount code "BACKTOWORK9" for 30% off)
  • Shutterstock (use discount code "BACKTOWORK9" for 25% off any package)
  • Squarespace (use offer code "BATMAN" for 20% off)